Improve Your Health

Why Professional Teeth Whitening is Better Than Home Treatments

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While you might have excellent oral hygiene, your teeth can still become yellow or discolored from age, red wine, coffee and many other causes. If you are looking to get whiter teeth, your two main options are to use home whitening kits or get it done professionally by your dentist. Here are some reasons to consider getting your teeth professionally whitened instead. Your Dentist Can Address Dental Issues First If you have ever used a home whitening tray kit or even strong whitening toothpaste, you might have had anything from tooth sensitivity to severe pain. Read More»

Getting medical support for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

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Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is an inherited genetic condition which comes in a range of subtypes, each with different medical complications. Even if a patient has a relatively mild case of EDS, it is a good idea to have a strong relationship with a doctor and medical team in order to manage the symptoms of the disorder.  Doctor for pain and wound healing Patients with EDS often have pain associated with their hypermobile joints and doctors can help to prescribe pain medication and monitor pain levels in order to keep the patient as comfortable as possible. Read More»

Prevent Varicose Veins with These Four Foods

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Are you at risk of getting varicose veins? There are many risk factors associated with varicose veins, including genetics, obesity, and standing for long periods of time. It’s not always possible to avoid the causes of varicose veins, but there are ways to reduce your risk. One natural method is with a healthy diet. Here are 4 foods that could help keep varicose veins away. Dark, Leafy Greens Dark, leafy green vegetables like spinach and romaine lettuce aren’t just delicious – they’re also very rich in vitamins and minerals that could help prevent your risk of getting varicose veins. Read More»

What Information You Need for Sliding Scale Dental Clinics

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When you have a costly dental issue, like broken or missing teeth or abscesses, you may be concerned about how you will pay for the procedure. One method is to go with a sliding scale dental clinic. These clinics are based less on insurance coverage and more on the ability of the patient to pay. The sliding scale is usually based on income level. The problem is, you may not know what you will need to bring with you to be approved and to get the dental care you need. Read More»

Tips to DIY Colon Cleansing From the Comfort of Your Home

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The most effective way to get rid of all the toxins that have accumulated in your system over time would be to perform a colon cleanse. There are a number of ways that one can do this. The most popular method is by having it done by your doctor at a hospital. This is referred to as a colon irrigation and needs to be performed by a health professional. If you do not want to have to go to hospital to do this, you also have the option of performing a colon cleanse in the comfort of your own home. Read More»