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Prevent Varicose Veins with These Four Foods

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Are you at risk of getting varicose veins? There are many risk factors associated with varicose veins, including genetics, obesity, and standing for long periods of time. It's not always possible to avoid the causes of varicose veins, but there are ways to reduce your risk. One natural method is with a healthy diet. Here are 4 foods that could help keep varicose veins away.

Dark, Leafy Greens

Dark, leafy green vegetables like spinach and romaine lettuce aren't just delicious -- they're also very rich in vitamins and minerals that could help prevent your risk of getting varicose veins. One of the most important vitamins they contain is vitamin K, which studies have linked to improved vascular health and fewer varicose veins. Leafy greens also contain vitamin C, which promotes healthy circulation and strengthens vein walls, as well iron, calcium, and vitamin A. You can get them into your diet in a variety of ways; try them in a fresh salad or a smoothie.


From gingerbread to ginger beer, ginger is a common ingredient in many well-loved recipes. It's also highly beneficial to vein health. An addition improving circulation throughout your body, ginger also helps to break up fibrin. Fibrin is a protein that forms in varicose vein tissue and increases the visibility of these veins. The bodies of those who have varicose veins struggle to break down fibrin, so ginger offers a much-needed helping hand. 


Another bodily substance that helps prevent unsightly varicose veins is rutin, a bioflavonoid (type of antioxidant) that improves vein wall health and relieves the swelling and pain associated with varicose veins. Buckwheat is one of the most rutin-rich foods available, so consider adding it to your diet. Using buckwheat flour is the easiest way to get rutin into your diet. It's also gluten free, and makes a great substitute for regular wheat flour in recipes for baked goods like bread, muffins, and cakes. Buckwheat groats can be used in the place of rice, for example, in a risotto.


Are you a guacamole fan? If so, rejoice in the fact that avocados are another food that can prevent varicose veins. Like leafy greens, they're rich in vitamin C. They're also an ideal source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is another nutrient that improves circulation; it also helps keep vein walls free of platelets. On top of vitamin E and C, avocados are rich in an antioxidant called glutathione, which protects your veins from antioxidant damage. Avocados have plenty of uses besides guacamole; try topping your buckwheat bread with avocado slices for a vein-boosting breakfast.

For more tips about dealing with varicose veins, contact a vascular surgeon.
