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6 Steps to Take After Knocking Out a Tooth

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Teeth can be easily knocked out while playing contact sports or fighting or if you are involved in a road accident. The following steps can maximise the chance that an emergency dentist can restore the tooth. 1. Handle the Tooth With Care Always handle a tooth by gripping the crown (the top part that shows above the gum) rather than the root. The root (the lower part of the tooth that sits in the gum) is very fragile and can be damaged if you touch it with your fingers. Read More»

3 Ways To Prepare For Your First Pregnancy Appointment With The OBGYN

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You’ve just found out you’re a few weeks pregnant. Congratulations. You’re probably going through an array of emotions – from happiness and excitement to a little anxiousness and worry. What should you expect? What tests do you take? What vitamins and diet do you need? When will you hear your baby’s heartbeat? First thing’s first – you need to visit your OBGYN (obstetrician/gynecologist). Here are some ways to help you prepare for your first pregnancy appointment : Read More»

How Dental Veneers Can Restore Your Smile If Your Teeth Have Tetracycline Damage

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Everyone wants a pearly white, Hollywood smile, but while most of us can achieve a beautiful shiny smile with a good dental hygiene regimen and frequent trips to the dentist, some people have more difficulty keeping their teeth white. People whose teeth have been damaged by the medication tetracycline can have particular trouble keeping their teeth looking white and healthy, but modern dentistry allows these people to achieve a camera-ready smile with dental veneers. Read More»

Understanding Personal Care Options In Retirement Villages

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When looking at retirement villages, you will notice some do not offer any form of personal care to residents, while others can tailor a package of care to suit your individual needs. When you start to require personal care, you may struggle to talk about your needs with strangers, so having an understanding of what retirement villages can provide may make it easier for you to begin making your initial inquiries. Read More»

Why Is Your Hearing Aid's Sound Cutting Out?

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If the sounds you hear through your hearing aid are a lot lower or weaker than normal or if they cut in or out, then you may have a problem. If you’ve had your hearing aid for a while and it’s suddenly developed these kinds of problems, then you may be worried that the aid is broken. Before you decide to upgrade your hearing aid, you can check it for common sound problems that you may be able to fix. Read More»

Why Has Your Tooth Changed Colour After a Root Filling?

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While root canal work usually fixes any problems you’ve had with a tooth without any side effects, you may sometimes develop other issues with the tooth. For example, you may notice that the tooth starts to change colour after a while. Why does this happen and what can you do about it? Colour Changes in Root-Filled Teeth Over time, teeth that have had root canal work may change colour. They may lose their natural whiteness and turn grey, yellow or even brown. Read More»

Skin Checks for Cancer Diagnosis

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Getting regular skin checks is essential to ensure that cancers are diagnosed as early as possible. Early diagnosis means that these cancers can be treated faster and surgery may even be avoided. Unfortunately, skin cancers can only be seen and not felt, so when someone gets skin cancer they won’t feel any pain. This is why you need to constantly monitor your skin for any changes and take part in regular checks. Read More»

Working With Your Chiropractor to Reduce Headaches

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While many people associate chiropractors with treating only back pain, many are adept at treating conditions throughout the body. One area of focus is headaches, which come in many forms and stem from various complaints throughout the body. If you frequently suffer from headaches, it’s worth learning how chiropractic services can help and what you can do to help yourself. Focus on the tension in your shoulders  The muscles that stretch between your neck and your shoulders work closely with one another, which can cause certain types of headaches if you’re constantly tensing them. Read More»

Skin Cancer Clinics' Role in Skin Cancer Treatment

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Skin cells can become damaged upon exposure to UV light from the sun, leading to skin cancer. Primarily 95% of skin cancers (melanomas) are caused by the sun. It is vital that you know your skin and learn what’s normal for you so you can notice any changes such as new or changing moles. This is because most skin cancers diagnosed early can be treated and even cured. If you notice any changes then it’s imperative that you see a doctor immediately. Read More»

Thorough Discussion of Mobility Loss and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy

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Mobility is a vital part of everyone’s life. Simple activities like walking and jogging go a long way to keep you fit and healthy. Sadly, mobility loss may result from things that you cannot control such as accidents, surgeries, traumas and disease infections. When this happens, you need to act fast to prevent the detrimental effects of mobility loss. Examples of these effects are weight gain, frequent constipation and accumulation of harmful fluids in your body. Read More»