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Skin Cancer Clinics' Role in Skin Cancer Treatment

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Skin cells can become damaged upon exposure to UV light from the sun, leading to skin cancer. Primarily 95% of skin cancers (melanomas) are caused by the sun. It is vital that you know your skin and learn what's normal for you so you can notice any changes such as new or changing moles. This is because most skin cancers diagnosed early can be treated and even cured. If you notice any changes then it's imperative that you see a doctor immediately. 

See Your GP

The first step is to go and see your local general practitioner (GP). Normally your GP will have a record of your health history and will be able to diagnose you faster. Your GP will examine your skin and give you information on personal risk factors (e.g., skin colour, family history) for skin cancer. Following the initial examination, your GP will refer you to a skin specialist. If your GP finds that you are clear, they will then provide you with some advice on skin cancer prevention. This includes staying in the shade (avoiding direct sun contact), avoiding using UV tanning beds, applying sunscreen whenever you go out and covering up appropriately when going into direct sunlight.

Visiting a Skin Cancer Clinic

If the GP suspects that you have skin cancer they will then refer you to a skin cancer clinic. Skin cancer clinics provide detailed skin examinations for the prevention and treatment of skin cancers. They also provide a range of procedures such as biopsies and skin cancer removal. Most skin cancer clinics are now offering the latest digital technology to examine suspicious skin spots. These clinics may also store images of a person's skin spots for future examinations. 

Computerised dermoscopy (digital epiluminescence) is the term given to diagnostic tools currently used by skin cancer clinics to provide superior magnification of skin spots. This allows doctors to view additional detail in suspicious-looking skin spots and decide whether they are showing characteristics of skin cancer activity.  Doctors then decide the next course of action in treatment or give clearance.

Skin Cancer Clinic and Bad Press

Some skin cancer clinics have come under fire for carrying out unnecessary procedures as well as delivering poor service to their patients. As with any profession, there are guidelines to regulate what happens; however, you should always do some personal research before deciding on a particular skin cancer clinic for your treatment. 
